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Cities: Skylines - After Dark DLC Steam CD Key

Podrobnosti k aktivaci klíče
Datum vydání: 24/09/2015

Create a Nocturnal MetropolisTurn your city into a haven for night owls with a host of new policies added in After Dark. Keep commercial zones open 24/7 and let your city’s nightlife thrive! Don’t let your citizens get too rowdy though, enforce a policy to keep leisure areas closed during the early hours of the morning to reduce noise pollution.

Leisure specialization:Commercial areas can specialize in leisure activities. Leisure areas are especially active during the night, but work like regular commercial areas during the day.

Tourist Specialization:Commercial areas such as bars and restaurants, small marina and fishing tours on the shoreline can specialize in beach activities

Expanded City Services:
  • Criminals will now be taken to Prison from Police buildings.
  • Taxi service will help citizens and tourists travel around the city.
  • Cargo hubs are harbors that accept cargo trains straight to the terminal.
  • International airport is a huge airport, allowing much more traffic than the previous airport and has a metro station attached to it.
  • Bus terminal allows citizens to transfer to other bus lines in the terminal building.
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