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Stellaris - Synthetic Dawn DLC EU Steam Altergift

Podrobnosti k aktivaci klíče
Datum vydání: 21/09/2017

Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn Story Pack provides an all-new way for players to establish their empire across the stars, starting the game as a Machine Empire -- a society made up entirely of robots. Unique game features and event chains will allow the machines to expand as a robotic consciousness, and create an AI-led network that grows to galactic dominance

Features: YOU, ROBOTPlay Stellaris as a customized robotic civilization, complete a series of robotic portraits for science robots, worker robots, and more AI, EH? AYE!Follow new event chains and story features to lead your robot race to greatness as an intergalactic AI empire; pursue mechanical perfection in the stars RISE OF THE MACHINESOppressed synths may rebel against their masters and form new empires -- or you may even discover a fallen synthetic civilization deep in space DIGITAL ENHANCEMENTSNew synthetic race portraits, and expanded voice packs for VIR
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