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Hitman Absolution RU VPN Required Steam CD Key

100% hodnocení z 1173 je vynikajících!
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Podrobnosti k aktivaci klíče
Datum vydání: 20/11/2012

Hitman: Absolution follows the Original Assassin undertaking his most personal contract to date. Betrayed by the Agency and hunted by the police, Agent 47 finds himself pursuing redemption in a corrupt and twisted world. Key Features
  • Showcasing Glacier 2™ technology: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION has been built from the ground up, boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art direction and highly original game and sound design.
  • Freedom of Choice: Stalk your prey, fight them head on or adapt as you go along. As Agent 47 the choice is yours thanks to highly evolved gameplay mechanics and a ground-breaking AI system.
  • Experience a Living, Breathing World: In the world of Hitman: Absolution every moment can become a story as unique characters, rich dialogue and Hollywood standard performances combine to create a gameplay experience like no other.
  • Disguises: As Agent 47, the identity of almost anyone you meet is yours for the taking. Immobilise your prey, steal their outfit and use your instinct to blend in and deceive your enemies.
  • Instinct Mode: See the world through the eyes of Agent 47 and become the world’s deadliest assassin. Using Hitman: Absolution’s Instinct Mode you’ll predict enemy movement, discover new ways to kill and use high powered weaponry with deadly accuracy.
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