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HITMAN: Blood Money Requiem Pack XBOX One CD Key

Podrobnosti k aktivaci klíče
Datum vydání: 31/10/2016

Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion to the first season of HITMAN.

In this climactic season finale, Agent 47 must travel to Hokkaido, Japan and check-in at the hyper-exclusive Gama facility situated on a snowy mountain peak, with breath-taking panoramic views.

The private hospital utilises advanced surgery techniques and research practices, boasting its own Zen garden, organic sushi restaurant and traditional Japanese hot spring. A resident AI system operates within the facility to ensure the well-being and security of all Gama patients.

Episode 6: Hokkaido includes a new story mission with new opportunities, weapons, disguises and items – plus new challenges and live content coming with Elusive Targets, Escalation Contracts, and Featured Contracts on the way.
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