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The Grail Knight is the pride of Bretonnia – a blessed warrior granted supernatural might by the mysterious Lady of the Lake. As all Bretonnian Knights, he never engages in ranged combat, instead favoring foes with the gift of close-quarters battle. Whether armed with his longsword or a trusty sword and shield, the Grail Knight is death to foul creatures wherever he encounters them.
No one knew where the messenger came from – except maybe Lohner, and he wasn’t telling. The fellow simply turned up amidst the flickering candlelight of Taal’s Horn Keep with a tale of forgotten lineage and a sealed letter addressed to Markus Kruber. Or more rightly, to ‘Markus de Mandelot’. Kruber read the letter once (and then a second time after asking Lohner’s help with some of the longer words). Then he set down his empty tankard, and leaned back in his chair in contemplation of the quest laid before him…